“The two disciples heard [John proclaim Jesus the Lamb of God]…and they followed Jesus. When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They said to him, ‘Rabbi, where are you staying?’ Jesus said to them, ‘ Come and see .’” (Jn. 1:37-39) “[When Jesus learned that Lazarus died] he said, ‘Where have you laid him?’ They said to him, ‘ Lord, come and see .’ Jesus began to weep. ” (Jn. 11:34-35) Come and see. This is the invitation continuously woven through the gospel of John, which seems to be suggesting that some things can only be known through journey and witness. “Come and see” is a refrain exchanged between Jesus and disciples, the woman at the well and her neighbors, and finally, Lazarus’ friends and Jesus. In this gospel, it is Jesus who first issues the invitation to “come and see” who he is, how he abides, and ultimately, what the very meaning of his life is. Eventually, it is the people Jesus seeks to cure, save, and love who return...
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